DATE 13/02/2019

Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

How are you guys, may we all be protected by Allah. Don't forget to be grateful today, because being grateful will make us better understand life. I will tell you about my activities today in the kitchen.

Today I am still in the kitchen at 5:50 or before 6 o'clock to make sure that all of my preparations are finished and ready. When I arrived this morning I was blown away because someone had opened the kitchen, out of curiosity, I finally checked the kitchen, it turned out Eman had been present, whether there was anything or not.

But it's good for Eman because it can make him more independent and hopefully this will happen for the future. When I arrived at the kitchen I immediately did my job to make a souvied poach egg, but I had difficulty finding the souvide tool. Finally I called Mr. Jayadi and Mr. Ical.

After making the sugary egg followed by preparing make boiled egg, omelette, sunny side up, poach egg. Then I heat the oven and re-bake the bread to be heated again, this bread will later be used for American breakfast. After heat, the bread is removed from the oven.

I went on to the next activity, I helped the group whose work was unfinished and difficult. I helped Ayu's group to make Sauce Holandaise because it had been repeated several times but it still failed. Then I prepare for tomorrow.

There was a little incident in the kitchen today, because breakfast was not ready at 09.00 while the order from Pak Ical was finished at 09.00 so the work became lighter because there was no need to bother preparing for it. After that the ADH study program returned to acting with a million behaviors that were not wearing.

ADH was told to go home by Mr. Ical because of playing games, while Pak Ical did not like his students playing games because according to him playing games was just a waste of time and only made someone lazy. It's best to have the best time we have while it's still there.

After breakfast is finished, we will also return to listen to the directions from Mr. Ical about breakfast tomorrow. Continued by preparing all the materials to be used tomorrow, I was assigned an English breakfast dissection. I completed all preparing quickly and preparing to go to prayer.

while the floor are getting dry, we went back to our rest place. When the floor is dry we can back again to check everybody is at work / check the attendance list. Later on we wait the advice from Mr. Ical which is followed by preparing the class for the daily pray session. To finish our day we go back home.


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