DATE 11/02/2019

Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

How are you guys, may we all be protected by Allah. Don't forget to be grateful today, because being grateful will make us better understand life. I will tell you about my activities today in the kitchen.

Right now I am writing the blog of today's activities in the kitchen. therefor, I will explain to you what we did this morning in the kitchen. to start of, all of us woke up at four o'clock this morning. First of all, we prepared our selves for college. We went to the kitchen, there we checked the attendace list  or checked if we are complete everybody is on his or her places.

Today's we got material about breakfast, all of group it split two session. the fisrt session made continental breakfast and the second session prepared for tomorrow english breakfast. The first session consists of 5 groups, each group gets its own section. While in the second group we prepared for English breakfast, my group prepared muffins and English muffins. After preparing the ingredients and tools used, then all ingredients are mixed and immediately baked.


Anastasia teaches us English about pronouncation and grammar, albeit with a very short time but many lessons that I usually get. The most important thing is the confidence when talking with Anastasia, because the nature and atmosphere provided is quite interesting.

while the floor are getting dry, we went back to our rest place. When the floor is dry we can back again to check everybody is at work / check the attendance list. Later on we wait the advice from Mr. Ical which is followed by preparing the class for the daily pray session. To finish our day we go back home.


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